Cleans - Full Cleans today
Heavy workout again today (well for me right now) - feeling out technique as confidence grows with the lifts. In comparison to lasts week heavy-lift changed a lot of the workout around and the total volume is much less, however it is up on the key lifts so happy with that
Consisted of
Clean high Pulls,
Ab roller + Weighted Chin superset and
Ring Dips
Switch on
Functional Neurology Exercises x 2
Goblet squats
Barbell Upright rows
OH Presses
Good Mornings
Squats + Lunge combo
Bent Rows
Main Event Total
3 x 3 High Clean pulls (mid-thigh) @60kg 540kg
Main Lift
5 x 2 Cleans @70,74,74,74,80kg 744kg
5,3,2 Deadlifts @104kg 1040kg
Secondary Exercises
2 x 5 from crouch position Ab Rollers
2 x 6 Weighted chins @92.5kg
2 x 6 Ring Dips @ 85kg
Total 2324kg
Here's what the technique looked like - getting better slowly ...
Happy with today's session - again felt good going in and felt good to get the 80kg clean up well. always room for improvement in my technique which is coming along slowly as I understand the key concepts of the lifts.