Bit behind in posting these, been a crazy few weeks since starting a new job coaching Rugby,
Anyway - catching this diary up now (this is why you write things down so you can reference for later, what's working, not working etc.
September 20th
Power Clean 5,3,2 @ 70kg
Snatch Grip Deadlift 5,3,2 @ 100kg
Barbell Goodmorning 3 x 8 @ 34kg
Split Jerk 4 x 2 @ 50kg
Pendlay Row 3 x 8 @ 50kg
Ab Wheel 2 x 5
September 21st
Mobility and stretching Session
Finishing off with some ground-based shoulder rotation work
Ring Dips 3 x 15
Db Bicep Curls 3 x 8 @ 17.5kg
September 22nd
Not ideal for me to work out this close to the previous lifting session but it was the only time available this week so it is what it is.
Snatch High Pull 5,3,2 @ 40kg, 50kg and 60kg
Barbell overhead press 4 x 1@ 50kg, 60kg, 65kg, 67.5kg
Chin Ups 2 x 8
Box Squat 4 x 2 @ 60kg + Red bands
Safety Bar good morning 3 x 8 @ 40kg, 50kg, 55kg
Medball Twists 3 x 8 with 6kg Med ball
Really liked the safety bar good mornings will incorporate these in to future sessions.