Wednesday 8th
Fast benching day today
Board presses felt good as well.
A1 - Bench Press
8 x 3
B1 - 3 Board Press (well I used a rolled-up foam mat to guide me on this one) - used Fat Gripz
6 x 3
66, 74, 84, 94, 100, 106kg
C1 - Chin up
bodyweight + 20kg
I did these as 1+1 rest-pause reps with 5-sec pauses between reps
D1 - Chest-supported Rear Felt Raise
3 x 10
D2 - Ab Roller 2 x 10
Friday 10th
Deadlift day!!
I hadn't deadlifted in a couple of weeks so I wanted to start out easy today on these and did some cluster sets with them. It always feels good to pull up a dead weight and I like the sumo position as it places less stress on my lower back than a conventional technique.
I do use both
A1 - Sumo Deadlift
5 x 3
108, 116, 124, 108, 116
I did these as cluster sets with 10sec rests between reps ad a reset between each rep.
B1 - Hang Clean and Press
4 x 2
keeping up the slow introduction of the Olympic lifts - always feels good to move the weights fast.
C1 - Wide stance good mornings
54, 578, 60, 63kg
D1 - Barbell Shrugs
3 x 8
Sunday 12th
First 1's on the floor press - felt strong, and really happy with a new PR here - a little bit of a sticking point but still getting stronger slowly and surely. #seasonalstrength continues on track.
A1 - Floor Press
5,3,3,3 @ 40, 50, 60, 70kg
5 x 1 @ 80, 90, 100, 110, 115
1 x 8 @ 92kg
B1 - DB decline tricep extension
4 x 5
B2 - Chest supported DB row - Fat Gripz
4 x 8
C1 - Cable face pull
4 x12
25, 25, 27, 27kg
C2 - Spread Eagle Sit Ups
3 x 10
5, 10, 10kg