Day two in the Triple J Garage Gym
Today was a similar Rep scheme but with a different emphasis
Used a signal six routine for prep work
Then into a medicine ball walking warm-up
Barbell Split Squat
Weighted Chin-ups (I think I weigh around 85kg)
Ring Dips
3 x 8
Barbell Goodmorning (Used a different stance for each set - Shoulder width / Close / Wide)
3 x 8
Band Pushdown
1 x 20
Black band
I was a bit tired from an average night's sleep, little man was up at 3 am and then at 6 am.
But no excuses still got it done.
Christmas Eve Workout
Last Session in for the week before Christmas.
After a morning of food prep for our Family Christmas Eve Dinner, I hit the Triple J gym for a quick workout.
Barbell RDL
Military Press
4 x 6
Skater Squat
3 x 8
Bodyweight + 5kg
Supinated Grip Barbell Row
3 x 8
Standing Barbell Rotation
1 x 20
20kg bar
That's a wrap for this week - very happy to get in three sessions and get back underway.
week 1 of 12 completed of the #SeasonalStrength
Merry Christmas!