Great workout with my little 3.5 year old Josh working out with me (well that consisted of him swinging on the rings between sets but it's a start) - Sun was out so we worked out in the back garden before we headed off to the playgrounds!
Goblet Squat
KB Swings
Half Kneeling Windmill
Main Event
3 x 8 Snatch Grip High Pull @40kg
3 x 8 OH Press @40kg
3 x 8 Inverted rows on the rings
Barbell Complex 3 x 3 @24kg
Clean grip high Pull
Clean grip Snatch
Back Squat
Good Morning
Bent over Row
1 x 20m Suit case carry @28kg
2 x 5 Hanging Knee raise
Reboot Workout 31st July
Hip opening work
3 x 10 Goblet squat + curl @24kg
3 x 10 Ring Dips