Higher Intensity Day - Cleans
Today's session was my first heavy session back after last weeks British Weightlifting Course.
Body felt good and ready to go so took advantage of that with a higher intensity session, and working on some of the technical lifts.
Main exercises for today were
Hang High Pulls
Hang Clean (mid thigh)
Split stance press
Tall jerk
Hang Power Clean + Push Press complex
Lateral and bent over dumbbell shoulder fly's
Hangs from the bar
So today pushed up the weights that I hadn't done across some of the exercises.
Switch on
Functional Neurology x 3 exercises
Paused Goblet squats
1 x 5 Front Squat @30kg
1 x 5 Hang Power Clean (mid thigh) @30kg
1 x 6 Hang Power Clean (knee) @30kg
1 x 6 Clean Pull @30kg
Main Event Total
3 x 5 Hang High Pulls @60kg 900kg
5 x 2 Hang Clean Mid thigh @70kg 700kg
2 x 5 Split Stance Press @30kg 300kg
3 x 3 Tall Jerk @34kg 306kg
4 x 2+2 Hang clean + Push Press @60kg 960kg
5,3,2 Deadlifts @100kg 1000kg
2 x 8 lateral and Bent Over Dumbbell shoulder fly's
2 x 30sec Hangs from chin up bar
Total 4166kg
Good session today, if you know what you are looking for you will see a number of mistakes which I need to work on over a few of the lifts.
But this is a work in progress, and being able to identify those mistakes on some of the key components to improve is how you get better.
Looking forward to looking back at a later date to see progress.