Recovery Kettlebell Circuit
My workout routine today was an easy recovery circuit using some light Kettlebells
Feeling the effects of yesterdays session which was the first proper session focusing on the Snatch I decided to put together an easy kettlebell circuit today as a recovery circuit consisting of
Kettlebell Goblet Squats
Single arm Kettlebell Overhead presses
Single arm Kettlebell Bent over rows
Lunge variations
Push Ups
Kettlebell Swings
Kettlebell Upright row
Single arm Kettle bell Mid thigh clean
Switch On
Paused Goblet squats
Main Event
2 x 10 Goblet Squat
2 x 10ea Single arm Overhead press
2 x 10ea Single arm Bent over row
1 x 5ea Lunges to front (rd 1) 1 x 5ea Reverse lunges (rd 2)
1 x 5ea Lateral Lunges (rd 1) 1 x 5ea Drop step lunges (rd2)
2 x 10 Push Ups
2 x 10 Kettlebell Swings
2 x 10 Kettlebell Upright row
2 x 10ea Single arm Kettle bell Mid thigh clean
I used a combination of very light kettlebell @ 10kg and a heavier one @20kg for the exercises
not really worried about totally volumes today as it was a nice easy one.
So what is a Drop Step Lunge I hear you ask ?
Check it out below.
note: start light on this one initially, your Adductors (groin) and Hamstrings will be more happier with you.
I like to add a variety of different lunge position's when training instead of just your standard step forward, step back, step sideways versions.
It means I'm challenging body in different planes (think rotationally more on the drop step), and exposing my hips to different movements - which is especially important if you are involved in multidirectional sports.